Written and directed by the Coen brothers, this wacky farce tells the tale of a greedy executive (Paul Newman) who hopes to take control of the company he works for by purchasing a majority share - but he must first devalue the stock. To further his plan, he convinces the board to appoint a know-nothing recent graduate (Tim Robbins), but the plot backfires when the new guy’s latest invention succeeds.
Written and directed by the Coen brothers, this wacky farce tells the tale of a greedy executive (Paul Newman) who hopes to take control of the company he works for by purchasing a majority share - but he must first devalue the stock. To further his plan, he convinces the board to appoint a know-nothing recent graduate (Tim Robbins), but the plot backfires when the new guy’s latest invention succeeds.
Written and directed by the Coen brothers, this wacky farce tells the tale of a greedy executive (Paul Newman) who hopes to take control of the company he works for by purchasing a majority share - but he must first devalue the stock. To further his plan, he convinces the board to appoint a know-nothing recent graduate (Tim Robbins), but the plot backfires when the new guy’s latest invention succeeds.