Amphibian Stage Productions presents a staged reading of Hans & Sophie, an immersive two-character portrait of Sophie and Hans Scholl’s resistance and conviction in the darkest of times. Inspired by their personal letters, coded correspondences and diaries, this is the true story of two heroic young students who gave their lives to lead an underground movement against the Nazi regime.
Amphibian Stage Productions presents a staged reading of Hans & Sophie, an immersive two-character portrait of Sophie and Hans Scholl’s resistance and conviction in the darkest of times. Inspired by their personal letters, coded correspondences and diaries, this is the true story of two heroic young students who gave their lives to lead an underground movement against the Nazi regime.
Amphibian Stage Productions presents a staged reading of Hans & Sophie, an immersive two-character portrait of Sophie and Hans Scholl’s resistance and conviction in the darkest of times. Inspired by their personal letters, coded correspondences and diaries, this is the true story of two heroic young students who gave their lives to lead an underground movement against the Nazi regime.