Clem and Tom, a young couple with financial struggles, break into Tom’s employer, a payday loan company called Debt Duck, to clean out the safe. When his gambling-addicted boss arrives with the same idea, they're drawn into a strange scenario involving a gang of Estonians, a self-interested supervisor with a large mortgage, and an overly sentient alarm system.
The Trap, by the same playwright of Crossing the Line, is a new play about debt, employee theft, and the difficulties of being a good person in a capitalist society.
Clem and Tom, a young couple with financial struggles, break into Tom’s employer, a payday loan company called Debt Duck, to clean out the safe. When his gambling-addicted boss arrives with the same idea, they're drawn into a strange scenario involving a gang of Estonians, a self-interested supervisor with a large mortgage, and an overly sentient alarm system.
The Trap, by the same playwright of Crossing the Line, is a new play about debt, employee theft, and the difficulties of being a good person in a capitalist society.
Clem and Tom, a young couple with financial struggles, break into Tom’s employer, a payday loan company called Debt Duck, to clean out the safe. When his gambling-addicted boss arrives with the same idea, they're drawn into a strange scenario involving a gang of Estonians, a self-interested supervisor with a large mortgage, and an overly sentient alarm system.
The Trap, by the same playwright of Crossing the Line, is a new play about debt, employee theft, and the difficulties of being a good person in a capitalist society.