Set in the East Village of New York City, Rent tells the unforgettable story of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling and learning to survive, fall in love, find their voices, and live for today. This rock opera, penned by Jonathan Larson, quickly became one of the most beloved and longest running Broadway musicals of all time, winning multiple Tony® Awards and a Pulitzer Prize.
Set in the East Village of New York City, Rent tells the unforgettable story of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling and learning to survive, fall in love, find their voices, and live for today. This rock opera, penned by Jonathan Larson, quickly became one of the most beloved and longest running Broadway musicals of all time, winning multiple Tony® Awards and a Pulitzer Prize.
Set in the East Village of New York City, Rent tells the unforgettable story of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling and learning to survive, fall in love, find their voices, and live for today. This rock opera, penned by Jonathan Larson, quickly became one of the most beloved and longest running Broadway musicals of all time, winning multiple Tony® Awards and a Pulitzer Prize.