La Médium (The Medium) is a one-act opera by Gian Carlo Menotti set in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Madame Flora, a fraudulent medium who pretends to communicate with the dead, along with her two assistants, Monica and Toby.
Madame Flora begins to experience a series of terrifying events during her seances, including physical contact from an apparition she cannot see. In a desperate attempt to prove her sanity, Madame Flora stages a fake seance with Toby disguised as the ghost of a murdered child. However, the real ghost of the child appears and Madame Flora is driven to the brink of insanity.
The opera is performed in Spanish with English supertitles.
La Médium (The Medium) is a one-act opera by Gian Carlo Menotti set in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Madame Flora, a fraudulent medium who pretends to communicate with the dead, along with her two assistants, Monica and Toby.
Madame Flora begins to experience a series of terrifying events during her seances, including physical contact from an apparition she cannot see. In a desperate attempt to prove her sanity, Madame Flora stages a fake seance with Toby disguised as the ghost of a murdered child. However, the real ghost of the child appears and Madame Flora is driven to the brink of insanity.
The opera is performed in Spanish with English supertitles.