Forced to leave their apartment due to a dangerous construction project in a neighboring building, a young Iranian couple moves to the center of Tehran, where they become embroiled in a life-altering situation involving the previous tenant. Director Asghar Farhadi also helmed the Oscar-winning feature A Separation. The Salesman has been nominated for a 2017 Academy Award.
Rated PG-13; Persian with English subtitles.
Forced to leave their apartment due to a dangerous construction project in a neighboring building, a young Iranian couple moves to the center of Tehran, where they become embroiled in a life-altering situation involving the previous tenant. Director Asghar Farhadi also helmed the Oscar-winning feature A Separation. The Salesman has been nominated for a 2017 Academy Award.
Rated PG-13; Persian with English subtitles.
Forced to leave their apartment due to a dangerous construction project in a neighboring building, a young Iranian couple moves to the center of Tehran, where they become embroiled in a life-altering situation involving the previous tenant. Director Asghar Farhadi also helmed the Oscar-winning feature A Separation. The Salesman has been nominated for a 2017 Academy Award.
Rated PG-13; Persian with English subtitles.