ordinary things is a feature-length documentary centered around the fandom surrounding the popular TV show The Office. Filmed in Scranton, Pennsylvania at the 2021 Office Super Fan Festival, the slice-of-life film tells a compelling story of how the show helped them get through everyday life.
The film features Office celebrities such as Jackie Debatin, Hidetoshi Imura, Tone Rodriguez, and Noel Petok. Additionally the film has received high praise from Office producers such as Greg Daniels, Rainn Wilson, David Rogers, and James O. Kerry.
The local experience will feature a giant projector screen, popcorn and red carpet, as well as Munchies food truck, beer and beverages (Beatbox, Deep Ellum Brewery, Alstadt Brewery), Office trivia, Office scavenger hunt, raffle, tons of prizes and giveaways and even a magic show from Scranton-based magician Denny Corby to top off the evening. Merchandise will be available for purchase including original art from Scranton-born artist Jeff D'Angelo.
ordinary things is a feature-length documentary centered around the fandom surrounding the popular TV show The Office. Filmed in Scranton, Pennsylvania at the 2021 Office Super Fan Festival, the slice-of-life film tells a compelling story of how the show helped them get through everyday life.
The film features Office celebrities such as Jackie Debatin, Hidetoshi Imura, Tone Rodriguez, and Noel Petok. Additionally the film has received high praise from Office producers such as Greg Daniels, Rainn Wilson, David Rogers, and James O. Kerry.
The local experience will feature a giant projector screen, popcorn and red carpet, as well as Munchies food truck, beer and beverages (Beatbox, Deep Ellum Brewery, Alstadt Brewery), Office trivia, Office scavenger hunt, raffle, tons of prizes and giveaways and even a magic show from Scranton-based magician Denny Corby to top off the evening. Merchandise will be available for purchase including original art from Scranton-born artist Jeff D'Angelo.
ordinary things is a feature-length documentary centered around the fandom surrounding the popular TV show The Office. Filmed in Scranton, Pennsylvania at the 2021 Office Super Fan Festival, the slice-of-life film tells a compelling story of how the show helped them get through everyday life.
The film features Office celebrities such as Jackie Debatin, Hidetoshi Imura, Tone Rodriguez, and Noel Petok. Additionally the film has received high praise from Office producers such as Greg Daniels, Rainn Wilson, David Rogers, and James O. Kerry.
The local experience will feature a giant projector screen, popcorn and red carpet, as well as Munchies food truck, beer and beverages (Beatbox, Deep Ellum Brewery, Alstadt Brewery), Office trivia, Office scavenger hunt, raffle, tons of prizes and giveaways and even a magic show from Scranton-based magician Denny Corby to top off the evening. Merchandise will be available for purchase including original art from Scranton-born artist Jeff D'Angelo.