Jacob and Bella are typical high school teenagers - filled with angst, grappling with puberty, and keeping secrets. When their two lives intersect one dark night, the world of the supernatural meets soap opera.
Teen (Who’s Also a Wolf): The Musical! is filled with betrayal, blood lust, and more. This new musical will have you laughing, crying, and questioning if your neighbor spends their weekend howling at the moon.
Hosted by Stage West, the reading is free but donations are greatly appreciated.
Jacob and Bella are typical high school teenagers - filled with angst, grappling with puberty, and keeping secrets. When their two lives intersect one dark night, the world of the supernatural meets soap opera.
Teen (Who’s Also a Wolf): The Musical! is filled with betrayal, blood lust, and more. This new musical will have you laughing, crying, and questioning if your neighbor spends their weekend howling at the moon.
Hosted by Stage West, the reading is free but donations are greatly appreciated.
Jacob and Bella are typical high school teenagers - filled with angst, grappling with puberty, and keeping secrets. When their two lives intersect one dark night, the world of the supernatural meets soap opera.
Teen (Who’s Also a Wolf): The Musical! is filled with betrayal, blood lust, and more. This new musical will have you laughing, crying, and questioning if your neighbor spends their weekend howling at the moon.
Hosted by Stage West, the reading is free but donations are greatly appreciated.