A fully re-imagined musical of Stephen King’s gripping tale, Carrie the Musical revolves around Carrie White, a misfit living in the small town of Chamberlain, Maine. At school she's an outcast who's bullied by the popular crowd and virtually invisible to everyone else. At home she's at the mercy of her loving but cruelly over-protective mother. But Carrie's just discovered she's got a special power, and if pushed too far, she's not afraid to use it.
This show, presented by Casa Mañana's Apprentice Program, is suitable for most audiences.
A fully re-imagined musical of Stephen King’s gripping tale, Carrie the Musical revolves around Carrie White, a misfit living in the small town of Chamberlain, Maine. At school she's an outcast who's bullied by the popular crowd and virtually invisible to everyone else. At home she's at the mercy of her loving but cruelly over-protective mother. But Carrie's just discovered she's got a special power, and if pushed too far, she's not afraid to use it.
This show, presented by Casa Mañana's Apprentice Program, is suitable for most audiences.
A fully re-imagined musical of Stephen King’s gripping tale, Carrie the Musical revolves around Carrie White, a misfit living in the small town of Chamberlain, Maine. At school she's an outcast who's bullied by the popular crowd and virtually invisible to everyone else. At home she's at the mercy of her loving but cruelly over-protective mother. But Carrie's just discovered she's got a special power, and if pushed too far, she's not afraid to use it.
This show, presented by Casa Mañana's Apprentice Program, is suitable for most audiences.