Fort Worth Contemporary Arts will present a workshop with local artist, Billi London-Gray. Explore a diverse array of concerns about street life in the exhibition “Flâneuse” and channel your own experiences into your own zine.
“Flâneuse” is a group exhibition featuring eight international artists whose work draws attention to the role of gender in contemporary urban experience. Through a variety of media the artists explore a diverse array of concerns about street life.
Fort Worth Contemporary Arts will present a workshop with local artist, Billi London-Gray. Explore a diverse array of concerns about street life in the exhibition “Flâneuse” and channel your own experiences into your own zine.
“Flâneuse” is a group exhibition featuring eight international artists whose work draws attention to the role of gender in contemporary urban experience. Through a variety of media the artists explore a diverse array of concerns about street life.
Fort Worth Contemporary Arts will present a workshop with local artist, Billi London-Gray. Explore a diverse array of concerns about street life in the exhibition “Flâneuse” and channel your own experiences into your own zine.
“Flâneuse” is a group exhibition featuring eight international artists whose work draws attention to the role of gender in contemporary urban experience. Through a variety of media the artists explore a diverse array of concerns about street life.