Scrapper is a vibrant and inventive father-daughter comedy that follows Georgie (Lola Campbell), a resourceful 12-year-old girl who secretly lives alone in her flat in a working-class suburb of London following the death of her mother. Out of nowhere, her estranged father Jason (Harris Dickinson) arrives and forces her to confront reality. As they adjust to their new circumstances, Georgie and Jason find that they both still have a lot of growing up to do.
Winner of a Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, Scrapper is full of spirit, humor, and formal inventiveness that sets it apart from much of British working-class cinema. Dickinson and remarkable newcomer Campbell imbue irresistible charm into this moving and frequently hilarious story of two emotionally tangled people: a grieving kid thrust into adulthood and a father in over his head.
Scrapper is a vibrant and inventive father-daughter comedy that follows Georgie (Lola Campbell), a resourceful 12-year-old girl who secretly lives alone in her flat in a working-class suburb of London following the death of her mother. Out of nowhere, her estranged father Jason (Harris Dickinson) arrives and forces her to confront reality. As they adjust to their new circumstances, Georgie and Jason find that they both still have a lot of growing up to do.
Winner of a Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, Scrapper is full of spirit, humor, and formal inventiveness that sets it apart from much of British working-class cinema. Dickinson and remarkable newcomer Campbell imbue irresistible charm into this moving and frequently hilarious story of two emotionally tangled people: a grieving kid thrust into adulthood and a father in over his head.