Previously debuted at the Cannes Film Festival, Max Rose is a story of an aged pianist (Jerry Lewis) who learned that his recently deceased wife (Claire Bloom) may have cheated on him in the early years of their marriage. The news was just as shocking to his son (Kevin Pollak) and grand daughter (Kerry Bishé), and it leads Max on a journey to track down Eva’s secret lover, Ben (Dean Stockwell).
Previously debuted at the Cannes Film Festival, Max Rose is a story of an aged pianist (Jerry Lewis) who learned that his recently deceased wife (Claire Bloom) may have cheated on him in the early years of their marriage. The news was just as shocking to his son (Kevin Pollak) and grand daughter (Kerry Bishé), and it leads Max on a journey to track down Eva’s secret lover, Ben (Dean Stockwell).
Previously debuted at the Cannes Film Festival, Max Rose is a story of an aged pianist (Jerry Lewis) who learned that his recently deceased wife (Claire Bloom) may have cheated on him in the early years of their marriage. The news was just as shocking to his son (Kevin Pollak) and grand daughter (Kerry Bishé), and it leads Max on a journey to track down Eva’s secret lover, Ben (Dean Stockwell).