The Riot Comedy Show welcomes visiting comedian from New York, Nore Davis. In the last year, Davis has released his third comedy album, Too Woke, filmed his first Comedy Central Half Hour Special, made two late night television appearances (including an interview) on Conan, was featured on the final season of hit HBO show 2 Dope Queens, released his first comedy special, You Guys Are Dope, on Amazon Prime, was a recurring host for Marvel’s digital series Let’s Play, and was featured in season two of Comedy Central’s Thank You, Goodnight.
New York comedian Nore Davis has recently released his third comedy album, Too Woke; filmed his first Comedy Central Half Hour Special; was featured on the final season of hit HBO show 2 Dope Queens; released his first comedy special, You Guys Are Dope, on Amazon Prime; was a recurring host for Marvel’s digital series Let’s Play; and was featured in season two of Comedy Central’s Thank You, Goodnight.
New York comedian Nore Davis has recently released his third comedy album, Too Woke; filmed his first Comedy Central Half Hour Special; was featured on the final season of hit HBO show 2 Dope Queens; released his first comedy special, You Guys Are Dope, on Amazon Prime; was a recurring host for Marvel’s digital series Let’s Play; and was featured in season two of Comedy Central’s Thank You, Goodnight.