Amphibian Stage Productions presents its first main stage play of the 2016 season, Isaac's Eye by Lucas Hnath, featuring actors Michael Linden, Greg Holt, Patrick Bynane, and Ashlee Elizabeth Bashore.
Is it okay to endorse a lie if the lie tells a better story? For Isaac Newton the line between reality and hypothesis has never been clear. When a rival puts his scientific ideas to the test, Newton's fierce ambition to win an argument may jeopardize his entire life's work. Isaac's Eye is a comedy about the unscrupulous acts we commit to attain fame, success, and love.
Amphibian Stage Productions presents its first main stage play of the 2016 season, Isaac's Eye by Lucas Hnath, featuring actors Michael Linden, Greg Holt, Patrick Bynane, and Ashlee Elizabeth Bashore.
Is it okay to endorse a lie if the lie tells a better story? For Isaac Newton the line between reality and hypothesis has never been clear. When a rival puts his scientific ideas to the test, Newton's fierce ambition to win an argument may jeopardize his entire life's work. Isaac's Eye is a comedy about the unscrupulous acts we commit to attain fame, success, and love.
Amphibian Stage Productions presents its first main stage play of the 2016 season, Isaac's Eye by Lucas Hnath, featuring actors Michael Linden, Greg Holt, Patrick Bynane, and Ashlee Elizabeth Bashore.
Is it okay to endorse a lie if the lie tells a better story? For Isaac Newton the line between reality and hypothesis has never been clear. When a rival puts his scientific ideas to the test, Newton's fierce ambition to win an argument may jeopardize his entire life's work. Isaac's Eye is a comedy about the unscrupulous acts we commit to attain fame, success, and love.