In Richard Bean's hilarious comedy, set in Brighton, England in 1963, Francis Henshall is in the employ of two men: gangster Roscoe Crabbe and Stanley Stubbers, mortal enemies of one another. However, it turns out that “Roscoe” is already deceased and Roscoe’s twin sister, Rachel, has been posing as him. Fighting a mounting sense of confusion and distractions, Francis frantically tries to keep Roscoe and Stubbers apart. How long can he keep this charade up?
In Richard Bean's hilarious comedy, set in Brighton, England in 1963, Francis Henshall is in the employ of two men: gangster Roscoe Crabbe and Stanley Stubbers, mortal enemies of one another. However, it turns out that “Roscoe” is already deceased and Roscoe’s twin sister, Rachel, has been posing as him. Fighting a mounting sense of confusion and distractions, Francis frantically tries to keep Roscoe and Stubbers apart. How long can he keep this charade up?
In Richard Bean's hilarious comedy, set in Brighton, England in 1963, Francis Henshall is in the employ of two men: gangster Roscoe Crabbe and Stanley Stubbers, mortal enemies of one another. However, it turns out that “Roscoe” is already deceased and Roscoe’s twin sister, Rachel, has been posing as him. Fighting a mounting sense of confusion and distractions, Francis frantically tries to keep Roscoe and Stubbers apart. How long can he keep this charade up?