The magical world of Cirque Italia, a show like no other, is the first traveling water circus in the U.S. Their stage holds 35,000 gallons of water and features a dynamic lid which lifts 35 feet into the air, allowing water to fall like rain from above as fountains dazzle below. This show takes place under their majestic white and blue big top tent which came all the way from Italy. Inside, they have such a theatrical and intimate setup, you just might forget you are under a circus tent.
The magical world of Cirque Italia, a show like no other, is the first traveling water circus in the U.S. Their stage holds 35,000 gallons of water and features a dynamic lid which lifts 35 feet into the air, allowing water to fall like rain from above as fountains dazzle below. This show takes place under their majestic white and blue big top tent which came all the way from Italy. Inside, they have such a theatrical and intimate setup, you just might forget you are under a circus tent.
The magical world of Cirque Italia, a show like no other, is the first traveling water circus in the U.S. Their stage holds 35,000 gallons of water and features a dynamic lid which lifts 35 feet into the air, allowing water to fall like rain from above as fountains dazzle below. This show takes place under their majestic white and blue big top tent which came all the way from Italy. Inside, they have such a theatrical and intimate setup, you just might forget you are under a circus tent.