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Arts Council of Fort Worth

The mission of the Arts Council of Fort Worth is to create an environment that promotes, nurtures, and supports the arts in our community.

Arts Council programs address three main areas:

  • Providing leadership and funding to local arts organizations through a competitive grants program
  • Enhancing the visual environment of the city through the Fort Worth Public Art program
  • Offering an affordable and accessible venue for artists, arts organizations, and the community as a whole through management of the Fort Worth Community Arts Center.

Head here to learn about and share the economic impact of the arts.

Nominate yourself or a local business professional with a passion for the arts to serve as a grant panelists by visiting here.

Visit the Fort Worth Community Arts Center or attend a Public Art meeting (and follow both on social media).

Each year the Arts Council of Fort Worth hosts the Heart of Gold awards luncheon, honoring  the outstanding contributions of local individuals and institutions to the arts in Fort Worth. Deborah Jung was honored as the 2018 Heart of Gold recipient and Paul Paine as the Lifetime Achievement in the Arts Recipient, for their roles as leaders of the arts in Fort Worth.
