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The Commit Partnership

The Commit Partnership is a community navigator and connector, working to ensure that all DFW students receive an excellent and equitable education that prepares them to flourish in college and career.

How to Get Involved

If you're looking to get involved with The Commit Partnership, please visit their website and click "Get Involved." There are a variety of opportunities including investing, completing a partner profile to join The Partnership, and utilizing the Action Center to discover its legislative agenda, the bills they are tracking, and the legislators who represent you and how you can be a part of the conversation this legislative session.

Additionally, The Commit Partnership offers various ways to volunteer and get involved including literacy tutoring, career mentoring for Promise Scholars, and assisting with community engagement. For more information on how to get involved, email philanthropy@commitpartnership.org.

Big Event

Each year, The Commit Partnership publishes an impact report and a scorecard. The Impact Report is distributed at the annual Dallas County Education Investors Meeting, an event that brings greater awareness and alignment around the critical education issues our community faces, and to explore how public and private dollars can scale proven strategies that lead to measurable improvement in student outcomes.

The Dallas County Community Scorecard reflects how well we are collectively supporting the 750,000-plus students in Dallas County on their journey from cradle to career. If you are interested in viewing the publications, visit the website and select "Our Resources."
