In this comedy sequel to Whisper of the Heart, Haru, a normal high school girl, finds herself accidentally engaged to the prince of the magical Cat Kingdom. To stop the marriage she seeks the help of two of the characters from Whisper: Moon, the real cat, and Baron, the magical cat figurine. The voice cast includes Anne Hathaway (The Princess Diaries) as Haru, Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride) as Baron, and Tim Curry (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) as the Cat King.
In this comedy sequel to Whisper of the Heart, Haru, a normal high school girl, finds herself accidentally engaged to the prince of the magical Cat Kingdom. To stop the marriage she seeks the help of two of the characters from Whisper: Moon, the real cat, and Baron, the magical cat figurine. The voice cast includes Anne Hathaway (The Princess Diaries) as Haru, Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride) as Baron, and Tim Curry (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) as the Cat King.
In this comedy sequel to Whisper of the Heart, Haru, a normal high school girl, finds herself accidentally engaged to the prince of the magical Cat Kingdom. To stop the marriage she seeks the help of two of the characters from Whisper: Moon, the real cat, and Baron, the magical cat figurine. The voice cast includes Anne Hathaway (The Princess Diaries) as Haru, Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride) as Baron, and Tim Curry (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) as the Cat King.