Considered one of the most important operas written in the 20th-century, George Gershwin’s beloved Porgy and Bess has captivated audiences across the globe for over 80 years. Internationally renowned opera director Francesca Zambello’s acclaimed revival comes to Fort Worth, with spectacular new scenery created by British set designer Peter J. Davison. Based upon DuBose Heyward’s 1925 novel Porgy, the opera follows the impoverished residents of the neighborhood of Catfish Row on the shores of Charleston, South Carolina.
This tragic love story, featuring iconic arias like “Summertime” and “I Got Plenty of Nothing,” centers on a disabled beggar named Porgy and his efforts to save the troubled Bess from a life of shame, addiction, and ruin. The audacious work, with its masterful blend of opera, jazz, blues, spirituals, ragtime, and folk, will be presented in English, in its original version with restored orchestrations.