Rent Report
Fort Worth rents remain seriously affordable, according to new report

Things are looking good — and affordable — for Fort Worth renters. In fact, Fort Worth's relatively flat rents actually took a bit of a dip in 2018, according to Abodo's 2018 year-end report.
Fort Worth's average one-bedroom rent in 2018 was $976, a small drop of 0.17 percent from the previous year. In the two-bedroom department, the 2018 average rent finished the year at $1,187, down a modest 0.44 percent.
Abodo's data shows Cowtown remains much more affordable than neighboring Dallas, which also saw a slight dip in overall 2018 rents. But a one-bedroom unit there was priced at $1,160, and two-bedroom units averaged $1,529.
Looking ahead
In Texas, the average one-bedroom rent price rose slightly in 2018 (by 0.11 percent). With its strong economy and abundant apartment supply, the trend toward rent stability should continue across the state in 2019.
Texas' average rent increased by only $4 in January 2019 from the level of $900 in December 2018. Fort Worth's median one-bedroom rent for January clocks in at $866, and a two-bedroom unit runs $1,060, showing the city is still seriously affordable.
If you want to live cheaper than Fort Worth, you do have some options, but only one in Texas, as Lubbock has one-bedrooms for lease at a rock-bottom price of $580. The lowest rents are found in Springfield, Missouri, where you can rent a place for just $503.