Destroying David is a thrilling, emotionally charged journey where art and personal tragedy collide. What begins as an intriguing exploration of Michelangelo’s masterpiece soon takes a dramatic turn as an enigmatic art restorer intertwines the statue’s fascinating history with their own deeply personal story.
As the play progresses, the audience is drawn into a gripping revelation: the restorer is grappling with a profound heartache, and they have orchestrated a private tour for our audiences with a shocking intention - to confront their own pain by targeting the most celebrated symbol of artistic perfection: Michelangelo’s David - and destroying it.
Destroying David is a thrilling, emotionally charged journey where art and personal tragedy collide. What begins as an intriguing exploration of Michelangelo’s masterpiece soon takes a dramatic turn as an enigmatic art restorer intertwines the statue’s fascinating history with their own deeply personal story.
As the play progresses, the audience is drawn into a gripping revelation: the restorer is grappling with a profound heartache, and they have orchestrated a private tour for our audiences with a shocking intention - to confront their own pain by targeting the most celebrated symbol of artistic perfection: Michelangelo’s David - and destroying it.