Train News
Grapevine Vintage Railroad fires back up with new COVID-19 policies

A popular, folksy entertainment attraction in Grapevine is firing back up for those who like to ride on the wild side: The Grapevine Vintage Railroad (GVRR) is reopning, with rides resuming on May 9, to coincide with Mother' Day weekend.
Owned and operated by the city of Grapevine, the Grapevine Vintage Railroad is an amusement ride that ordinarily runs from the Main Street station in Grapevine to the Fort Worth Stockyards. They ceased operations in March to help curb the spread of COVID-19.
With this official reopening, the trip won't go all the way to the stockyards for now, a schedule that will prevail until the end of May.
"As part of reopening, the trip is limited to an hour — it will go about halfway, then come back to station, 30 minutes out, 30 minutes back," a spokesperson says. "We hope to return to full trip in the coming months."
Per state orders, the capacity on board has been reduced to a maximum of 18 persons per coach. GVRR crew members will ensure that the seats are properly sanitized between each excursion.
The Mother's Day excursions take place at 10 am, 12 noon, 2 pm, and 4 pm. Moms ride for free by using the code MOTHERSDAY at checkout online.
Trains board 30 minutes prior to departure and depart promptly at the scheduled time. Tickets for weekly excursions range in price from $10 to $12. Online or phone purchase is recommended. Tickets are on sale now at Same day ticket sales are subject to walk up availability only.
A release says that schedules, including departure times, return time, and days of operation, are tentative and subject to change based on freight train delays, federal track maintenance, holidays, or weather-related closures, sometimes causing delays in arrival times or sudden cancellations.