Vegan News
Very hot Impossible burger finally arrives at Burger King in Fort Worth
The date on one of the biggest burger roll-outs has finally been revealed.
The buzzy Impossible Burger, the plant-based burger hailed as the most convincing fake yet, is coming to Burger King locations in Dallas-Fort Worth and across the country, with an official debut date of August 8.
That means that, in just one week, you'll be lining up at the drive-through for your Impossible Whopper, which is how Burger King will be serving it, for $5.59.
The Impossible Burger was first launched in 2016 and has enjoyed a meteoric rise, with restaurants and stores clamoring to get it. The burger is currently on the menu in more than 9,000 restaurants across the country, and in many around Dallas-Fort Worth, including Hopdoddy, which was among the first to get it in 2017.
Burger King signed on in April 2019, making it the first fast-food chain to sell it. It was initially available only at Burger King locations around St. Louis, Missouri, where it was tested for the month of April.
Impossible has had so much interest that it's had trouble meeting demand. The company just signed a deal with OSI Group, a meat company in Chicago, which will serve as a contract manufacturer.
Part of its allure is that it "bleeds" like real beef, thanks to the presence of "heme," a hemoglobin found in soy that is identical to the heme molecule found in meat that gives a juicy red appearance and basically makes meat taste like meat.
In a recent survey, Impossible Foods found that more than half of those age 25 and less consume plant-based meats at least once a month; among baby boomers, it's 20 percent.
Restaurants serving the Impossible Burger are frequently topping it with cheese and other animal products, pitching it not to vegans or vegetarians but to meat eaters who simply want to eat less beef.
Impossible Foods also plans to start selling its products in grocery stores in fall 2019 — following the lead of Beyond Meat, the plant-based burger pioneer that introduced its burger in 2013 and rolled out its products in supermarkets in 2016.