
Food Truck Theft

Food truck serving Fort Worth's best tacos stolen from gated area

Tacoheads taco trailer
Have you seen this trailer? Photo courtesy of Gina Patel

UPDATE: The truck was located at a residence in south Fort Worth and has been recovered by the police. According to the FWST, no arrests have been made, and the inside of the trailer is trashed.


A food truck belonging to Taco Heads, Fort Worth's award-winning taco concept from chef Sarah Castillo, was stolen on Memorial Day from an area protected by a locked gate.

The truck was parked inside a padlocked parking lot on South Main Street, and was stolen somewhere between 6 and 8:30 pm, according to employee Patricia Perris. The theft was caught on video surveillance, allowing the staff, and Fort Worth police, to see how the crime went down.

"You see two people, possibly more, pull up in a black Tahoe," Perris says. "The passenger gets out, then cuts the padlock with bolt cutters. They hook up the truck to their hitch and drive away."

The gated lot is part of a restaurant space that will be the site of Taco Heads' future second location. Perris says that they were able to narrow down the timeframe because the landlord was nearby. They've already posted a photo on their Facebook page of one of the thieves.

"The landlord for the property saw the trailer at 6 pm, so we know it was still there at that time," she says. "We're in the process of trying to get better images from the surveillance video."

Castillo launched Taco Heads seven years ago, back when food trucks were still a new thing. The gourmet and breakfast tacos earned them a spot on Texas Monthly's list of top 10 tacos to eat before you die. Taco Heads was also one of the 10 nominees for best restaurant in CultureMap's 2017 Tastemaker awards, and Castillo was one of the 10 nominees for best chef.

She and and her partner, Jacob Watson, also have a restaurant on Montgomery Street.

What can a thief do with a fully outfitted food truck serving some of the best tacos in Dallas-Fort Worth?

"We can only imagine that they have the intention of selling it," Perris says. "They can take trucks and gut them of their expensive equipment and then turn around and sell it in parts."
