
Hit The Road

Texas cruises to No. 3 on list of best states for summer road trips

welcome to Texas highway road sign
Welcome to Texas, the No. 3 state for road trips. miroslav_1/Getty Images

If the long holiday weekend has you yearning for the open road, you're in the right place. Texas has been named one of the best states for summer road trips by ranking authority WalletHub.

The financial website crunched the numbers on 32 key metrics in three categories "to find the most fun, scenic, and wallet-friendly road-trip destinations" among the 50 U.S. states.

With a total score of 56.63, the Lone Star State cruises to the No. 3 spot, behind New York and Minnesota.

Texas stands out with the No. 4 ranking for activities, which considers everything from the number of attractions (Texas is seventh) to nightlife options per capita (10th), and access to scenic byways (12th). We come in at No. 18 for costs, boasting the second-lowest price of a three-star hotel room and the eighth-lowest average gas prices in the U.S.

For safety, though, the state drives all the way down to No. 38.

After two years of avoiding travel, Americans are ready to hit the road again, WalletHub says, with nearly 80 percent of American adults planning some sort of road trip this season.

And while Texas offers miles and miles to explore, those looking to take their road trip across state lines should head east to Louisiana, which comes in just behind Texas at No. 4 in the new ranking.
